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Experienced, specialized & dedicated team.

M&M Team — Julian Ch’ng Wei Shen

Julian Ch’ng


LL.B. (HONS) Oxford Brookes University

Julian Ch’ng graduated in 2015. He was called to the Malaysian Bar in January 2018. Julian joined the Firm as an Associate in February 2018 before being admitted as a Partner.

Julian’s areas of practice include general litigation and arbitration, both domestic and international. With a keen analytical mind and knack for unravelling intricate legal disputes, he adeptly crafts effective and efficient legal solutions for his clients.

In addition to navigating complex litigation, Julian extends his expertise to advise clients on taking proactive measures to prevent and strategise potential legal disputes.

Beyond his legal pursuits, Julian has represented the Malaysian Bar in basketball in the annual Malaysia/Singapore Bench and Bar games for several years.

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